Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tiger Woods Theory

I know that the whole Tiger Woods fiasco happened a long time ago but he came back into the news this week with the discovery that he's in a sex rehab facility. I thought it would be a good time to write about a theory and a plea I have come up with regarding El Tigre. The first one is one that I've been thinking up for a few weeks now and probably a little more thought out.

I want to suggest to Tiger that he has a dual personality. The man already has the potential for two different aliases, Eldrick and Tiger Woods. We've all seen Tiger on the tee box, throw his driver and curse and in that instance is where we see the Tiger side of his personality. It's the side that's intense and somewhat scary. And clearly the Tiger side is the side that got him into a wee bit of trouble with his wife. Tiger can get away with anything, He's also not the golfer everyone admires. Tiger is the best athlete of the past decade and is the reason golf is more popular when he is playing. The best image that sums up the Tiger personality would be his cover on Vanity Fair:

Eldrick comes into play when he deals with sponsors and when he's his normal superior self on the golf course. When Eldrick comes out he is professional and very protected of his image. Eldrick is the one we're seeing now (well I guess he's the one we're not seeing since he is in seclusion). Eldrick is the person with numerous endorsements and is the one that will win all the endorsements back that Tiger lost.  Eldrick is the one golf fans see dressed in red on Sundays, and the one that accepts all the trophies that he has won. Eldrick is the little boy we saw on Johnny Carson and the person that golf purists love to watch. Here is the Eldrick Woods we all know:

We don't usually see the Tiger side outside of cursing and club throwing which is why his faithlessness towards his wife is such a shock to the entire world.

My other theory is more of a plea to the American Public. We've been told before that history repeats itself and this whole Tiger situation is another instance of that. When Babe Ruth was in the middle of saving baseball after the 1919 Black Sox Scandal, he was also notoriously womanizing and drinking. It's a widely known fact and yet people cared more about his ability to hit home runs and that's what he's known for today. I ask all of you to do the same for Tiger, he's the reason golf is remotely popular and will be talked about for generations and maybe just maybe it will be for his golf ability, because we all know history repeats itself.

Also mentioning Babe Ruth allows me to post my favorite scene from one of my favorite movies:

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