Thursday, October 15, 2009

Can the Blackhawks Win with Huet or Niemi?

Let me preface this by saying I’m not the most intelligent hockey fan, but I’m trying to learn on the fly.

The Chicago Blackhawks have started this season with earning 9 points out of a possible 12 and that’s largely thanks to the incredible offense the Hawks have been able to generate. There is no question that this Hawks team is likely a playoff team once again this season but the real question is can the Hawks make it to and win the Stanley Cup Finals this season with either Cristobal Huet or Antti Niemi between the pipes? Clearly all Hawks fan remember Monday night when Huet and Niemi combined to allow 5 goals in the first period, but the offense was able to battle back and complete the biggest comeback in franchise history. And based on the early results, I think the Hawks will be fine all season with either goaltender in the game. The reason is the offense is just so good and they don’t even have Marian Hossa or Adam Burish yet.

The Hawks are playing a style of hockey that allows them to control the puck far more than their opponents do. This can be seen through the shots per game compared the shots against per game the Hawks have this season. They are averaging an incredible 37.5 shots per game and are allowing just 21.7 shots per. It’s commonsense, a team can’t score unless they have the puck and so far this season the Hawks have been able to hold on to the puck. This style can continue to be effective for the Blackhawks and will be even better when everyone is back healthy. I also think more playing time to Niemi will push Huet to realize that his starting spot wasn’t guaranteed and he needs to work hard to earn any playing time he may receive. I think we’ll see an increase in production from Huet and really the Hawks just need a goalie who is competent and can make a handful of saves because this Blackhawk offense will make sure the defense and goaltender will not face many shots this season.

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